VP Fund Solutions News

Notice for shareholders of the Fund and sub-fund(s) (the “Sub-Fund”): GLOBAL INVESTORS

Reading time: 2 Min

Teilfonds Share classes ISIN WKN
GLOBAL INVESTORS – Stategic Opportunities - LU0329093966 A0M6TH
GLOBAL INVESTORS – Ethica Balanced A LU1937026869 A2PB49
  B LU2127863061 A2P07H
GLOBAL INVESTORS - Atyartha Global Opportunities Fund A LU0583074082 A1H62J
GLOBAL INVESTORS - Innovation World Large Caps by AMG A LU2084863575 A2PVHF
  B LU2084868962 A2PVHG
  C LU2084869424 A2PWE7
  D LU2084870786 A2PVHH
  E LU2127862683 A2P07D
  F LU2127862766 A2P07E
  G LU2127862840 A2P07F
  H LU2127862923 A2P07G
  I LU2243336760 A2QE5L
  K LU2569308542 A3D44P

subject to the provisions of Part I of the Law of 17 December 2010 on undertakings for collective investment (the “2010 Law”)

The Board of Directors of the Fund informs the Shareholders of the Sub-Fund of the following changes, which will become effective at 00:00 on 2 April 2024:


a) In the future, the Fund or Sub-Fund may also be charged with expenses and possible remuneration for members of the Fund's Board of Directors.


b) The investment policy of the Sub-Funds will be adjusted as follows:


„The Sub-Fund may also hold sight deposits with banks (cash), in which the Sub-Fund may invest up to 20% of its assets. This limit may only be exceeded for a necessary, temporary period if exceptional market circumstances so require, taking into account the interests of investors."


c) The Sub-Fund GLOBAL INVESTORS - Innovation World Large Caps by AMG will be renamed „GLOBAL INVESTORS - Alpora Innovation World Large Caps“.


d) AMG Fondsverwaltung AG, the portfolio manager and initiator of the Sub-Fund GLOBAL INVESTORS - Innovation World Large Caps by AMG, has changed its name to “Serafin Asset Management AG” due to a change in ownership. The address remains at Bahnhofstrasse 29, CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland.


The costs of the aforementioned changes shall be borne by the Fund or the Sub-Fund(s) in accordance with Section 17 m) of the Fund's sales prospectus.


Any changes will be reflected in the sales prospectus dated 2 April 2024, which can be viewed free of charge at the Fund's registered office.


Shareholders of the Fund who do not agree to the above changes have the option to redeem their shares free of charge from the date of this notice until March 31, 2024.


Luxembourg, 29 February 2024

The Board of Directors of the Fund


Notice to Shareholders in French / Avis aux actionnaires en français

Notice to Shareholders in Belgium / Avis aux actionnaires en Belgique

Global Investors
Société Anonyme - société d'investissement à capital variable
2, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 152081
#VP Fund Solutions