VP Fund Solutions: Value-Holdings Deutschland Fund recognised at the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards
VP Fund Solutions, as management company of the "Value-Holdings Deutschland Fund EUR", is a "2023 Winner Germany" in the category "Best Fund over 3 Years - Equity Germany" at the Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards 2023.
The "Value-Holdings Deutschland Fund", for which Value-Holdings Capital Partners AG acts as investment advisor, was launched in 2002 and has now been on the market for over 20 years. The fund invests in listed companies in Germany. The individual companies are selected exclusively according to the value investing strategy, in which investment decisions are made based on the value of the investment instruments through an independent analysis of companies with a long-term focus.
The Lipper Fund Awards represent an independent assessment of fund performance. For more than 30 years and in over 17 countries worldwide, the Refinitiv Lipper Awards have recognised successful funds and fund management companies that have demonstrated consistently strong risk-adjusted performance relative to their peers.
Value development in EUR

The Fund's performance as at 21.3.2023 shows an extraordinary increase of 318.8 per cent since its launch in 2002 (annualised: 7.1 per cent).
Robert Jenkins, Head of Research, Lipper, Refinitiv: "We applaud VP Fund Solutions as the winner of the 2023 Refinitiv Lipper Fund Award for delivering outperformance and consistency for their investors' portfolios through a cross-current of global economic disruptions."
Wolfdieter Schnee, Head of Fund Client & Investment Services at VP Fund Solutions: "This fund is one of the oldest products on our platform and has a very remarkable track record. We are pleased with the consistent performance as well as the long-standing, successful cooperation with Value-Holdings Capital Partners AG from Augsburg."