
Terms of use and legal notices

This website ("Website") is the property of VP Wealth Management (Hong Kong) Limited (“VPWHK”) which is a company licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong ("SFC") to carry on Type 1 (dealing in securities) and Type 4 (advising on securities) regulated activities.

VPWHK only provides regulated activities to "professional investors" as defined in the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) ("SFO") and its subsidiary legislation. VPWHK is subject to the SFC licensing conditions not to hold "client assets" as defined in the SFO and its subsidiary legislation. VPWHK is not regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority ("HKMA") under the Hong Kong Banking Ordinance (Cap 155 of the Laws of Hong Kong) ("BO") and is not an HKMA-authorised institution ("AI") in Hong Kong.

VPWHK is the wholly-owned subsidiary of VP Bank Ltd. VP Bank Ltd is listed on SIX Swiss Exchange in Switzerland and is a bank domiciled in Liechtenstein and is subject to the supervision by the Financial Market Authority ("FMA") of Liechtenstein. VP Bank Ltd is not an AI under the BO of Hong Kong and is not subject to the supervision of the HKMA in respect thereof. It is also not a licensed corporation with the SFC to carry on any regulated activities under the SFO.

VP Bank Ltd Singapore Branch ("VPBSG") is licensed as a wholesale bank by the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS"). However, VPBSG does not carry on any banking business in Hong Kong, is not an AI under the BO of Hong Kong and is not subject to the supervision of the HKMA in respect thereof. It is also not a licensed corporation with the SFC to carry on any regulated activities under the SFO.

The content of this webpage has not been reviewed by the SFC or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.

By accessing the Website, you implicitly declare that you have understood and acknowledge the conditions set out herein. Should you not agree with the terms of use and the legal notices, you should not attempt to access the Website.

Access to the Website and local legal restrictions

The Website has been designed for use in Hong Kong only. The information contained in this website is intended for the use and reference of clients or prospective clients of VPWHK who/that are professional investors (as defined in the SFO and its subsidiary legislation) and other professional parties such as financial intermediaries with whom VPWHK has or intends to have a working relationship.  

Access to the information contained or the acquisition or purchase of the financial products/services described herein, may be restricted by national law. Persons who access this Website or wish to acquire any financial product/service described herein must therefore acquaint themselves with local laws and restrictions and abide by them.

The Website is not intended for persons which are subject to a system of laws or jurisdiction which forbids the publication of, or access to, the Website by virtue of the nationality of the persons concerned, their place of residence or any other reasons and which could give rise to an obligation for VPWHK to be registered or licensed in such jurisdiction. These persons are not allowed to access the Website.

In particular, the information herein is not intended for individuals or companies having their place of residence or registered office in the United States of America ("US"), who possess the nationality of the US or who can access this Website from within the US.

The investment products of VP Bank Group are not authorized or licensed for public distribution in all countries. Information on investment products, particularly investment funds, is therefore not intended for individuals and corporate entities which are subject to a system of laws or jurisdiction which forbids the dissemination of such information or makes it conditional on the relevant VP Bank Group entity/ies and/or the investment product obtaining the requisite license/s or authorization in such jurisdiction.

In particular, the investment products of VP Bank Group are not registered pursuant to the US Investment Company Act of 1940 and the related securities are not registered pursuant to the US Securities Act of 1933. Such investment products are not offered, sold or delivered in the US or to US individuals (as defined in Regulation S of the US Securities Act). The information on the Website constitutes neither an offer nor a solicitation in the US or to US citizens to invest in the investment products.

No offer or recommendation – non-binding character

The Website is created and provided by VPWHK for informational purposes only and does not constitute any recommendation, offer, invitation to offer or solicitation by VPWHK to enter into any transaction or to buy, sell, or hold any security, financial product, instrument or investment or to engage in other transactions or to conclude any legal transaction.

VPWHK is not acting as an adviser or in any fiduciary capacity. The information on the Website also does not constitute investment, legal, financial or other forms of advice and should not be so relied upon by any person. Professional advice from a qualified specialist on such matters is recommended.

No guarantee for relevance, accuracy or completeness of the information

While VPWHK has endeavoured to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained on the Website, the accuracy, completeness, reliability or fitness for any purpose of such information is not guaranteed. VPWHK cannot assume any liability for the relevance, accuracy and completeness of the information on the Website. In particular, market and investment reports cannot be considered as complete analyses or summaries of the securities, markets or developments mentioned therein.

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In the case of third-party websites which contain a link to the Website, or which are referred to with a link on the Website, it is to be noted that these are completely beyond the control or influence of VPWHK and VPWHK can assume no responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy, completeness and legality of the contents of these third-party websites as well as for any offers and services contained therein. The explicit written consent of VPWHK is to be obtained in advance for links which lead to the Website from a third-party website.

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Amendments or supplements to the information

VPWHK reserves the right to amend or supplement the information on the Website at any time, without prior notice.

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When the Website is accessed or VPWHK is contacted electronically, data relating to website visitor and the originator of the contact are, in principle, transported via an open network accessible to all. Data can therefore be transmitted across borders, even if the visitor or the sender and recipient are in the same country. Such transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. VPWHK therefore does not accept any liability (to the extent permitted by law) which may arise as a result of electronic transmission. Finally, it must be pointed out that visits to the Website, or the contacting of VPWHK electronically, can leave traces on the Internet which, under certain circumstances, can serve as an indication of a relationship with VPWHK.

Data protection

For information regarding the measures taken by the VP Bank Group for the protection of personal data, please refer to www.vpbank.com/en/data-protection. In addition, please also refer to VPWHK's online personal data privacy notice below.

Reference to other conditions of use and legal notices

On the Website, special agreements and terms may be stipulated in individual sub-sections, in special informational areas and in relation to individual services. In the event of any conflicting interpretation, these special agreements and terms take precedence over the above terms of use and legal notices.

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The minimum amount for domicile Germany is CHF 250,000. 
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